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Understanding Data Analyst Salaries in Canada

Dec. 15 2022
Alana Walker

The need for data analysts is skyrocketing, but what can those who enter the field in Canada expect to earn? We break down expected salary ranges for entry to senior level and which provinces and cities pay more.

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How to Learn Machine Learning

Nov. 29 2022
Alana Walker

Whether you've never touched a coding project, or your well into your data career and ready to grow, learning machine learning can be a challenging, yet rewarding task. Read the blog to see how you can get started with machine learning and where it can take you.

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Deep Learning vs Machine Learning - Lighthouse Labs

Nov. 23 2022
Alana Walker

What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning? Are they the same or similar? We break down machine learning and its subsidiary, deep learning plus where these two technologies will take us in the future.

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An interview with Lighthouse Labs’ own, Olivia Kim

Nov. 08 2022
Alana Walker

We sat down with Olivia Kim, Lighthouse Labs' Marketing Data Analyst to talk about her journey from municipal research assistant to data professional.

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Fedor Mashoshin - From Sales To Tech

Nov. 02 2022
Nour Abi-Nakhoul

Learn more about what attending bootcamp is like from those that know it best - our alumni community. Meet Fedor Mashoshin, one of our incredible alumni.

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Safwaan Hassan Discusses Switching To A Career In Tech

Nov. 02 2022
Nour Abi-Nakhoul

Learn more about what attending bootcamp is like from those that know it best - our alumni community. Meet Safwaan Hassan, one of our incredible alumni.

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Machine Learning (ML) vs. AI

Oct. 17 2022
Alana Walker

We break down the differences between Machine Learning and AI while discussing where these two technologies have and will take us.

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21-Day Data Challenge Recap - Highlights, Prizes and Winners

May. 25 2022
Peter Eboka

Find out about the exciting time we had with the 21 day data challenge, as well as the prizes and lucky winners!

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Talking Career Shifts and Mentorship with Pixeltree Inc.

May. 12 2022
Peter Eboka

Hiring Partner Spotlight - We talk to some of our hiring partners and bootcamp graduates about the journey to a career in tech.

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The Importance of Communication for Data Science Careers

Apr. 19 2022
Nour Abi-Nakhoul

Soft skills are as important for a person working in data science as hard skills are. Here are some reasons why good communication helps you when working with data.

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Web Developer Career Paths in 2022

Apr. 13 2022
Rachel Meltzer

Thinking about a career in coding and web development? Consider the many different career paths including front-end, back-end and full-stack developer.

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How Big Data Is Used in the Travel Industry

Mar. 25 2022
Nour Abi-Nakhoul

The travel sector can benefit from the skills of a person versed in data science; here are some of the ways data analysis is revolutionizing the travel sector.

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Python Tutorial: Part Two

Mar. 22 2022
Nour Abi-Nakhoul

While the first part explained white space, comments, functions, and variables, in this blog we’ll review math and logic, data types, and handy resources for further learning.

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Python Tutorial: Part One

Mar. 17 2022
Nour Abi-Nakhoul

If you’re unfamiliar with Python programming, or you need a refresher, we’ve compiled this tutorial to explain the fundamentals of Python.

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Succeeding at the 21-Day Data Challenge

Mar. 14 2022
Nour Abi-Nakhoul

Ready to try your hand at the 21DDC? Here are some tips on how to successfully navigate the challenges and learn great Python & data skills

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